Parented by the Almighty
Reflect We often go to God in prayer, but do we ever allow God to pray over us? May this prayer inspire your Christian imagination
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Reflect We often go to God in prayer, but do we ever allow God to pray over us? May this prayer inspire your Christian imagination
Gazing upon crucifixes and murals was a common practice for centuries, especially before personal copies of the Scriptures existed. It might be helpful now to reclaim this practice.
Sometimes we overcomplicate things and slip out of an awareness of our inherent union with God and abiding in the Trinity. Maybe the tension is where the wheat in your life is growing among the weeds.
Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, here, now, God is filling up your spirit, soul, and body with divine breath. The spiritual life is a matter of becoming aware of this ever-flowing love.
In prayer we often come face-to-face with our own mysterious reality. But in prayer, may we be comforted that we are bringing to God more than just our words; we are bringing to God our hearts.
Poet John O’Donahue wrote, “I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.” Use these words to heighten your awareness of the miracle of being loved into existence.
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