Surprised by Grace
Our minds often focus on the “big things” we are pushing toward, but each day is also an opportunity to enjoy and experience the “little things.”
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Our minds often focus on the “big things” we are pushing toward, but each day is also an opportunity to enjoy and experience the “little things.”
We live in a broken reality, and a lot of times there isn’t anything we can do to fix it. This helplessness that we feel is a natural part of navigating this broken world.
The constant angst and heaviness of the pandemic has taken its toll in some way on each of us. May this prayer remind you of your humanity at a time when it is easy to be hard on yourself.
What would it look like to consider resting in your inherent union with the divine in the unknown, in the proverbial desert, and in the tension?
Poet John O’Donahue once wrote, “I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.” May this prayer heighten your awareness of the divine flow of your life and your ongoing dance with the Trinity.
Sometimes we overcomplicate things and slip out of an awareness of our inherent union with God and abiding in the Trinity. May this prayer help to simplify your life and longings and continue to redefine the meaning of “fruit” in the garden that is your life.
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