Christ Lives Within
There is nothing wrong with asking for something in prayer, as this names for God the desires of our hearts.
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There is nothing wrong with asking for something in prayer, as this names for God the desires of our hearts.
Colossians 3:3 suggests that when we die to ourselves and set our minds on things above, our lives become “hidden with Christ in God.”
Enneagram Fours often frequent the past to explore feelings which can lead to emotional awareness and wonderful creative expression, but sometimes they can also get stuck in the past or their own nostalgia.
The cacophony of the world and my own noisy mind can sometimes make me feel like I’m spinning out of control—in a constant state of reaction.
One of the overlooked characters in the Christmas narrative is Joseph. The Scriptures don’t tell us much about him, but one can imagine how confusing it would have been for him to discover that his wife-to-be was pregnant with a child that was not his.
No one can truly fathom Mary’s plight when she was handpicked to become the instrument of the Incarnation.
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