Faith and Family: Lessons from the Road
Hanging in our house is a large corkboard map of the United States. On the board are various pins placed on locations across the country, each one marking a place to which we have traveled.
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Hanging in our house is a large corkboard map of the United States. On the board are various pins placed on locations across the country, each one marking a place to which we have traveled.
The very first Psalm sings of a tree planted by flowing waters, with leaves that never fade; it bears fruit in due season. This is an image of living in God’s love.
My swimming became a thank-you to myself “because I am wonderfully made” (Ps 139:14) and worth this effort.
hen we think of love, often the focus is on the love that is projected outward–to a partner, a child, a friend. But when do we stop and focus on ourselves?
If you do any reading on addiction, you will discover that there are many different beliefs on what is or should be considered an addiction versus an addictive behavior.
I know that the seasons ahead hold many exciting things. I am also realistic, though, and know that there will also be challenges along the way.
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Cincinnati, OH 45202
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