Saint of the Day

Saint Charles of Sezze

Saint Charles of Sezze

Like many people, Saint Charles of Sezze thought he knew what God wanted, only to find out that he was mistaken. Instead of going to India as a missionary, Saint Charles settled in Rome where he cooked and cared for ...
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Saint Anthony of Egypt with a Tau cross

Saint Anthony of Egypt

Saint Anthony was a solitary ascetic who practiced great mortification yet drew many people to himself. He responded by founding an early form of monastic life. He lived until age 105.
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Saint Berard and Companions

Saint Berard and Companions

Saint Francis considered Saints Berard and his companions as true Friars Minor because they were willing to lay their lives on the line for the faith. Such heroic virtue inspired Saint Anthony to join the Franciscans.
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Saint Devasahayam Pillai

Saint Devasahayam Pillai

Born into an affluent Hindu family in 1712, Devasahayam Pillai converted to Christianity and was martyred for his chosen faith in 1752. At his 2012 beatification Pillai became the first Indian layman not connected to any religious institute to be ...
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Saint Gregory Nazianzen

Saint Gregory Nazianzen

Saint Gregory Nazianzen paid a huge price for his faith. In conflict with the Emperor Valens, who defended the Arians, Saint Gregory worked hard to defend the Catholic faith.
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Statue of Saint Hilary of Poitiers

Saint Hilary of Poitiers

Saint Hilary of Poitiers was converted to Christianity through his reading of the Sacred Scriptures. A married man, he was chosen as Bishop of Poitiers in France where he arduously fought Arianism. As a result, he was sent into exile, ...
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