Saint of the Day

Image of Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys

Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys

Born in France but adopting Canada as her home, Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys definitely won the hearts of the Canadians. She moved to Canada at the request of the governor of the French settlement. She later founded a school for girls ...
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Saint Andrew and Blessed George Haydock Church

Blessed William Carter

Born in London, Blessed William Carter was a printer who got in trouble for printing Catholic material during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Eventually brought to trial, he was convicted and hanged, drawn, and quartered on January 11, 1584.
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Mosaic of Saint Gregory of Nyssa

Saint Gregory of Nyssa

Saint Gregory of Nyssa, the brother of Saint Basil and the son of Saints Basil and Emmilia, was a married man when he began studying for the priesthood. He became Bishop of Nyssa and fought Arianism and was a prominent ...
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Icon of Saint Adrian of Canterbury

Saint Adrian of Canterbury

An African by birth, Saint Adrian was assigned by the pope as Archbishop of Canterbury. Feeling unworthy, he declined the position, but the pope sent him to Canterbury anyway where he became an abbot and teacher.
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Saint Angela of Foligno

Saint Angela of Foligno

Saint Angela of Foligno was a wife and mother who had little interest in the spiritual life until about age 40. After her husband and children died, Angela entered the Secular Franciscans, spending the rest of her life in prayer ...
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Saint Raymond of Peñafort

Saint Raymond of Peñafort

Saint Raymond of Peñafort was a lawyer who used his talents to both compile legislation for easy access and to write legal treatises on penance for the use of confessors.
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