Saint of the Day

Fresco of Christmas at Greccio

Christmas at Greccio

Being a man who wanted to experience things with all of his senses, Saint Francis decided one Christmas to depict the birth of Jesus with live animals and real people. This “first crèche” was created in Greccio in 1223. Our ...
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State of Saint John of Kanty

Saint John of Kanty

Saint John of Kanty was a beloved priest in Kraków, Poland, where he taught Scripture. A simple, humble man, John was often taken advantage of, but maintained his generous attitude to those in need. He died on Christmas Eve in ...
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Blessed Jacopone Da Todi

Blessed Jacopone da Todi

Jacopone da Todi’s life changed radically when his wife died in an accident at a local tournament. Turning from his self-indulgent life, he eventually became a Franciscan friar, but life was not easy even then. Jacopone is most known for ...
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Stained Glass Window of Saint Peter Canisius

Saint Peter Canisius

An important Catholic reformer in Germany, Saint Peter Canisius earned a master’s degree at age 19, and then joined the Jesuits. He was a great writer and patron of the sick and imprisoned.
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Saint Dominic of Silos

Saint Dominic of Silos

The connection between Saint Dominic of Silos and Saint Dominic, founder of the Dominican Order, is a curious but interesting one. Separated by 100 years, the two men were linked by a prophecy given by Dominic of Silos to the ...
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Blessed Urban

Blessed Urban V

Blessed Pope Urban V was a simple man who never wanted to be pope. He was quite content to remain in his Benedictine monastery. But when called to serve the Church, Blessed Urban did so with great devotion and wisdom.
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