Faith and Family

Faith and Family for February 6: Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time


First reading: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8

Second reading: 1 Cor 15:1-11

Gospel: Lk 5:1-11

UNDERSTAND | By Father Greg Friedman, OFM

The satiric duo in the TV comedy routine called “Wayne’s World” had a signature line: “We’re not worthy!”  That was their response to the presence of rock stars they were interviewing. The routine still brings laughs.

A more serious confession of unworthiness appears in our Scriptures today. First, Isaiah has a vision of God seated on the heavenly throne. The scene is so overwhelming that Isaiah not only proclaims his unworthiness, but is afraid he’ll be struck dead! God has a job for him: Isaiah will speak on God’s behalf to the people.

In the Gospel, Peter professes his sinfulness after Jesus helps him and his colleagues bring in a miraculous catch of fish. Peter knows he’s in the presence of divine power. He knows he’s not worthy! But Jesus also has a job in mind: fishing for people. The implications might not have been clear to these apostles-to-be, but their response is immediate and bold. They leave everything to follow Jesus.

We probably wouldn’t put ourselves in the shoes or sandals of either Isaiah or Peter. But that doesn’t mean we’re not called by God! The fact of our baptism means that we have a vocationa callthat’s just as certain as our Biblical heroes today. If so, what do we need to leave behind as we respond to that call?


DISCUSS | By Father Dan Kroger, OFM

In the first reading, what did the angel do to Isaiah? How did that  change Isaiah?

According to the second reading, how did Paul describe himself in comparison to Cephas and the other apostles?

In the Gospel, why did Simon hesitate to push out from the shore and lower his nets?

ACT | By Susan Hines-Brigger

In this week’s readings, we hear a lot about where people think they are falling short. Switch that around and make a list of at least 10 things that you think make you a living example of Jesus’ love, such as you’re a very good friend or you always try to help those in need.



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