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Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrow

Disappointments, setbacks, loss, and suffering seem to define the life of Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows.

Embracing God’s Plan

God’s will is written on our hearts and is meant to lead us to a profound peace and…

Lonely, but Never Alone

Reflect The holidays are a time of joy for many. For those who are alone, however, it is…

St. Francis of Assisi and His Canticle

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woman with a lantern

Giving Glory Back to God

Prayer can help us come into greater union with God who is the origin of our joy and peace.

One Nation Under God

A walk along the Tijuana-San Diego border opens this pilgrim’s eyes to the plight of refugees.

A Mexican girl peers through the fence during Mass at the international border in Nogales, Ariz., Oct. 23. Dioceses Without Borders, an effort of Mexico's Nogales Diocese and the U.S. dioceses of Phoenix and Tucson, Ariz., organized the liturgy celebrated on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. (CNS photo/Nancy Wiechec) See BORDER-MASS-PIERRE Oct. 24, 2016.
Blessed Carlo Acutis

Who Was Carlo Acutis?

He found the riches of total faith and love in God. Get to know him better here.


Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrow

Disappointments, setbacks, loss, and suffering seem to define the life of Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows.

Embracing God’s Plan

God’s will is written on our hearts and is meant to lead us to a profound peace and…

Lonely, but Never Alone

Reflect The holidays are a time of joy for many. For those who are alone, however, it is…

Lenten Reflections with Friar Jim

woman sleeping in a field of purple flowers

Earth and Spirit

Every creature belongs, each one is beloved, and none of us are dispensable.

You and Your Prayer Life

Sometimes we can only break the bonds of disordered attachments when God leads us to the desert. 

man praying with folded hands
St. Josephine Bakhita

Sisterhood of Saints

These 14 saintly women, among many more, changed my life. I hope they change yours.