Franciscan Spirit Blog

Lent with Padre Pio: Second Friday

“May your homes be full of sweetness, peace, agreement, humility, and piety as regards conversation.”
—Letters, Vol. 3, 567

Padre Pio was born and grew up in the town of Pietrelcina in Italy, where he was known by his given name of Francesco Forgione. His family was very devout, attending Mass daily and saying the Rosary together each night. By the age of 5, Francesco said that he knew he wanted to devote his life to God. But his health was precarious and he was often ill.

After joining the Capuchin order, there were times when Francesco—who had assumed the name Pio—would become so sick that he was sent back to his hometown in hope that he would recover. Even at home his illnesses never fully went away, but they did seem to subside a bit. Sometimes home can be a place of healing and peace when we most need it.

Meditate on Padre Pio’s words below. He sought God’s grace during every trial. How might we follow his example?

In Padre Pio’s Own Words

I do not have adequate words or feelings to thank the goodness of the Lord, who so lovingly deals with you and protects you. I clearly see, my good daughter, he has chosen you to be close to him, though not because of any of your own merits. By now you can be sure that he wants to possess your heart completely and wants it to be pierced with sorrow and love like his. Illness, heart pangs, caresses, holy flames that consume us, temptations, dryness, and desolation are all various features of his ineffable love.

When the evil one wants to convince you that you are a casualty of his attacks and a victim of divine abandonment, do not believe him, because he is lying and wants to deceive you.

It is not true that you are sinning; it is not true that you disgust the Lord; it is not true that the Lord has not forgiven your transgressions and wandering in the past. God’s grace is with you, and you are very precious to the Lord. The shadows, the fears, the contradictory perspectives are all devilish tricks that you must reject in the holy name of obedience.

(To Girolama Longo, April 15, 1918)

lent with padre pio


St. Pio, your home was a place of refuge for you.
Help us to make our own homes places of peace and love for all.


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