Franciscan Spirit Blog

Top 10 Most Influential Catholics: Famous Catholic People That Impacted the Faith

In celebration of their holiness, virtue, and influence, here is a Top Ten list of saints who substantially shaped the face of the Catholic Church.
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Portiuncula in Assisi

Dedication of the Chapel of Our Lady of the Angels

Francis rebuilt this chapel with his own hands and died less than 50 feet away from it.
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Statue of President Abraham Lincoln | Photo by Ed Fr on Unsplash

Abraham Lincoln: Model of Faith

Pope Francis mentioned four prominent Americans during his address to Congress on September 24, 2015.
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The First Pentecost

On that Pentecost day, Peter asked the people to repent, to change their way of life, to seek a new life in Christ. And they did respond.
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Shepherd with his sheep

Jesus: The Good Shepherd

One of the most beloved images of Jesus is of him as the good shepherd.
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The First Words of Christ

For centuries we have reflected on the Seven Last Words of Christ during Lent, but few people have spent much time considering his earliest words in the Gospels at the same time.
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St. Anthony and the Albigensian Heresy

St. Anthony of Padua (1195-1231) was a Franciscan friar who spent a number of years as a traveling preacher.
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