Franciscan Spirit Blog

Top 10 Most Influential Catholics: Famous Catholic People That Impacted the Faith

In celebration of their holiness, virtue, and influence, here is a Top Ten list of saints who substantially shaped the face of the Catholic Church.
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Who Was St. Valentine?

How did this holiday of love and romance originate and, more importantly, how did St. Valentine become involved? The answers to those questions are not easy ones. Valentine’s Day is a holiday shrouded in mystery and legend.
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The Catholic Roots of St. Valentine’s Day

Although the mid-February holiday celebrating love and lovers remains wildly popular, the confusion over its origins led the Catholic Church, in 1969, to drop Saint Valentine's Day from the Roman calendar of official, worldwide Catholic feasts.
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wheat field | Photo by Rose Erkul on Unsplash

When Darkness Becomes Dawn

The coming of the dawn is the rising up of an inner light.
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People taking Jesus down from the cross

Franciscan Inspirations: Mary at the Cross

Both the devotion of Mary and the women witnessing Jesus’ death—and the gift of Mary as mother to us—are truths we cannot be without.
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Pontius Pilot and Jesus | Photo by Francesco Alberti on Unsplash

Franciscan Inspirations: Power Failures

One of the sure signs of maturity occurs when a young person begins to be accountable for his or her acts and decisions. It’s one of the nicest presents a young person can give his or her parents.
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man with a jar of light | Photo by Kyle Wong on Unsplash

Franciscan Inspirations: Don’t Think Little of Yourself!

I hate to see people suffer because they worry about the wrong things and misread what God thinks of them. They feel guilty for past sins—sins for which they have been forgiven.
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