Franciscan Spirit Blog

Top 10 Most Influential Catholics: Famous Catholic People That Impacted the Faith

In celebration of their holiness, virtue, and influence, here is a Top Ten list of saints who substantially shaped the face of the Catholic Church.
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Man watching the skies|

Listen for the Voice of God

There is no child of God’s that does not have the opportunity of hearing God’s voice in some way. Be still and listen.
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The Real St. Nicholas

To many Christians, St. Nicholas, precursor to Santa Claus, is no quaint figure from the past. Especially to Eastern Catholics and the Orthodox, he is one of the most popular saints, constantly interceding on behalf of his people, even today.
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Saint Nicholas: Fact or Fiction?

According to that rhyming narrative, Saint Nicholas drives a toy-filled sleigh powered by reindeer through the air to the home of each and every child on Christmas Eve.
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A Look at St. Juan Diego

Knowing that Mary would choose to appear to an indigenous farmer when she could appear anywhere and to anyone brings to many people a symbol of hope.
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Holy Family drawing

Throw Open the Doors to Christ

At those places in the world where God is active in the ministry of Jesus Christ, the Spirit throws open those doors that all too often we want to close.
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Keeping Advent with Some Friends

The start of the Advent season usually finds me with a “divided spirit.”
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