Franciscan Spirit Blog

Top 10 Most Influential Catholics: Famous Catholic People That Impacted the Faith

In celebration of their holiness, virtue, and influence, here is a Top Ten list of saints who substantially shaped the face of the Catholic Church.
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Saint Who? Romanus of Le Mans

We all know people who, if you look at their lives, aren’t “special”—they are not like Mother Teresa or some great preacher—and yet their commitment to letting Christ soak every thread in their life’s fabric is no less profound.
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Saint Who? Perpetua and Felicity

Felicity and Perpetua were North African women martyred very early in the third century.
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Fountain pen on paper

The Theology of a Poet

I don’t read a lot of poetry, but I do have a favorite author and one who is deeply appreciated by many: Emily Dickinson.
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Woman standing at the ocean's edge | Photo by Yume Photography on Unsplash

Finding God in the Everyday

Ever felt lost on your spiritual journey? Many people have—even in the Bible. 
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boy behind a fence

Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti

Pope Francis stood beneath the tomb of St. Francis of Assisi on October 3rd and signed his new encyclical which opens with words of Francis himself. It was a touching moment.
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Why Should We Meditate?

Forty is one of those numbers that seem to turn up everywhere.
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