Franciscan Spirit Blog

Top 10 Most Influential Catholics: Famous Catholic People That Impacted the Faith

In celebration of their holiness, virtue, and influence, here is a Top Ten list of saints who substantially shaped the face of the Catholic Church.
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What Is Holiness Really About?

The word holiness can have a discouraging effect on people. Some immediately dismiss it, perhaps a bit sadly, since they believe that whatever it is, holiness is way beyond their reach.
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Country house

The Power of Home

This fall marks six years since my family and I sold our 27-acre organic farm and the house we had designed and built ourselves—the place my wife and I thought we’d call home our entire lives.
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Morning Prayers

Throughout the day, we should be mindful that God wishes to continually hear from us. But how can we possibly speak to God every minute when we are obviously busy?
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Woman praying

I Believe in One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

To understand what we are as Church, the Creed gives us four adjectives: one, holy, catholic, apostolic.
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Woman journaling in a journal

Journaling: Grace in the Pages

I love to write. Since I was a boy, paper and pencil have been on my list of favorite things.
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Cup of Coffee

Surprised by Grace

I rise before the sun this morning to the smell of coffee in the kitchen. Another day in Eden awaits.
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