Franciscan Spirit Blog

Top 10 Most Influential Catholics: Famous Catholic People That Impacted the Faith

In celebration of their holiness, virtue, and influence, here is a Top Ten list of saints who substantially shaped the face of the Catholic Church.
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The Poor People's Campaign

More than 60 years ago Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and other faith, labor, and civil rights leaders called for a “revolution of values” in America. They sought to build a broad movement that would bring together and raise ...
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Prayers for the Dying: A Meditation for Lent

For me, visiting a dying person is a special, graced-filled moment because I am so much aware of the loving care the Church gives to one about to enter eternity.
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Biblical scene

Franciscan Inspirations: The Faithful Servant

In the Gospel of Matthew (25:23), as Jesus approaches the city of Jerusalem for the last time, he talks to his disciples about their need to be “faithful and prudent servants.”
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Cross against the sky

Franciscan Inspirations: Who Is the God We Believe In?

Love is the reason God is always with us on our earthly journey.
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Honoring St. Mary Magdalene

Though she was never known to waver in her support of Jesus, Mary Magdalene’s actions in Jesus’ final days best exemplify her commitment.
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Franciscan Statement on the Immigration Ban

The recent actions of President Donald J. Trump regarding the treatment of immigrants and refugees entering our country have been troubling to a wide ranging group of citizens across the United States.
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