Minute Meditations

woman praying with a rosary in church

God’s Indwelling

The practical conclusion of the first teaching of St. Francis is that if we listen and pray, God will show us what we are to do with our lives.
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Priest handing out communion.

The Touch of God

It is not a matter of “carrying God inside us.” That would be too mechanical. It’s better to say that we are filled with God’s presence within us—along with our weaknesses and imperfections.
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Different color paint and paintbrushes

Be Good to Yourself

Find a way to be especially good to your body this week. It is a gift from God.
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Hands forming the heart symbol

Let Go of the Hurt

We need to be in right relationship with people, so that other people can love us at deeper levels, and so we can love them too.
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woman quietly listening, meditating with sunshine in the background

Surrender Yourself to Healing

Where do you instinctively make decisions—your head, heart, or gut? Which do you consider the most trustworthy?
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Group of multicultural people

A Multicultural Church

Today, Christian Native Americans seek ways of being equal participants in the life and mission of the Church—as indigenous people.
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woman helping someone in a wheelchair.

Holy and Worthy of Care

Everything is thereby holy and worthy of care, and reverence, and a song of God’s praise.
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