Minute Meditations

All We Need Is Love

red sign with a heart and the word love during a rally

In a world of silly love songs, it is easy to ask, “What’s love got to do with it?” rather than trust the love that we have already encountered as believers. Think of the countless number of songs, poems, books, works of art, and plays that are created to define love and to affirm that, yes, “all you need is love.” In a very tangible way, we spiritually forget what love is. More importantly, we forget who love is. 

This “crazy little thing called love,” which is both simple to recognize and difficult to define, means nothing if it is not rooted in and seen through the one who is, was, and forever will be. Thank God we have the communion of saints to guide us, to keep us company in this earthly pilgrimage, and to encourage us with their sincere faith. Saints of God: Pray for us!

—from St. Anthony Messenger‘s “Let Us Pray: Love Will Keep Us Together
by María Ruiz Scaperlanda

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.