Minute Meditations

Be Good to Yourself

Different color paint and paintbrushes

Make this passage from Paul’s Letter to the Thessalonians the centerpiece of your prayer time. Find a creative way to keep it with you through the day. “May the God of peace make you whole and holy, may you be kept safe in body, heart, and mind, and thus ready for the presence. God has called you and will not fail you” (1 Thessalonians 5:23).

The heart space is often opened by “right brain” activities such as music, art, dance, nature, fasting, poetry, games, and, of course, the art of relationship itself. Choose one of these activities and find a way to explore it more deeply over the next week. Find a way to be especially good to your body this week. It is a gift from God.

—from the book Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps
by Richard Rohr

Breathing Under Water by Richard Rohr | Franciscan Media

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