Minute Meditations

Creation Is a Ladder to God

An old ladder reaching into the night starry sky.

While it was Christ who enabled Francis to see the truth of reality, namely, that everything is imbued with the goodness of God, it is how Francis lived in Christ that shaped his relationship to creation. Penance, poverty, humility and compassion were the values that forged Francis into a “cosmic brother,” one who was related to all creatures and to the elements of creation. Through penance he recognized his sinfulness and need for conversion. Through poverty he became aware of the human tendency to possess, as he realized his radical dependency on all things. Through humility he realized his solidarity with all creatures.

Through compassion he came to feel for the things of the earth, including the tiniest of creatures. Creation became a ladder by which he could ascend to God, not by transcending creation but by embracing it as brother. For by embracing the good things of creation, Francis came to embrace the whole Christ who is the Word of the Father.

—from the book Franciscan Prayer: Awakening to Oneness with God
by Ilia Delio, OSF

Franciscan Prayer | Franciscan Media

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