From an early age, Daniel Comboni believed he was called to missionary work in Africa. And indeed, within three years of his ordination at age twenty-two, Daniel and five other missionaries were in Sudan. There, his dream collided with reality. The climate was far different from that of his native Italy. The Sudanese were leery of the men, regarding them in the same light as slave traders. The work was hard with little fruit. Daniel returned home in 1859 and spent a few years teaching and rethinking his missionary strategy. He then was inspired to refocus on creating disciples within Central Africa. At that time, it was a novel approach. He called the effort “Save Africa Through Africa.” Daniel founded communities of men and women religious to support Christian disciple-building that continue to do good work today. He died in Sudan. Sometimes, we’re on the path the Lord desires, but we’re not using the right vehicle. Daniel’s example shows us the importance of embracing humility and exploring options when we feel stuck, rather than giving up.
— from Brotherhood of Saints: Daily Guidance and Inspiration,
by Melanie Rigney