Minute Meditations

Living Abundance

large field of flowers.

What keeps you grounded through the seasons of your life? My desire to savor life, in its myriad emanations, has become prayer. And knowing we have a brief time to walk the soft grass together, I intend to take my time and generously share it. When seeds germinate, roots come first, drawn by gravity to penetrate earth’s loamy heart. In my ceaseless to-ing and fro-ing, it is the grave that draws me down. Grave human realities hold me here, weigh me, and draw me down, rooted in place and time. Life seldom disappoints if we are determined to stay awake and engaged. Whether in tatters at the losses of the day, or smiling at my own awkward antics, abundance awaits. I am delighted by the fragrant bounty of wildflowers, or the aerial gymnastics of swallows, open-mouthed in the wind. Gravity and levity, soul and spirit, mind and body, wonder and woe, there is room for this and more in a life slowly savored.

So, what makes for a well-lived life? What is expected of us? Have we not already been told? Gratitude is the motive for justice; mercy the courageous response to every situation; humility the honest pathway into the fullness of humanity. Abundant life reveals itself the moment we cease expecting, wanting, needing something else or more. As we cycle through the mysteries of living to die and dying to live, may you take your time to suffer and savor life with those you love. Are you yet tender enough to be moved to mercy and humble enough to welcome forgiveness?

—from the book Wandering and Welcome: Meditations for Finding Peace
by Joseph Grant

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2 thoughts on “Living Abundance”

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