Minute Meditations

Love Is a New Beginning

silhouette of a man standing by a tree during a sunset

Every act of love is a new beginning, a new creation. To live compassionately is to believe in a love greater than ourselves yet intimately present to us, a love visible in the trees, the streams, the clouds, the poor, nonbelievers, and all who share the life that is our life—a love binding us together without constraints. We must believe that each person is capable of being transformed by love, that each tree, flower, animal, living creature, the stones, the sand, the sky—everything is capable of being transformed by love. And that when all is united by a luminous thread of love, Christ will be visible in the universe.

—from the book Compassion: Living in the Spirit of St. Francis
by Ilia Delio, OSF

Compassion by Ilia Delio


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