Minute Meditations

feet surrounded by ocean water and sand

Water Is My Refuge

Healing is ultimately a journey of interacting with water as a comforter, teacher, counselor, friend, or—as St. Francis named her—sister.
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Consolation in Suffering

Most High, Glorious God, in our times of suffering, may we follow the example of Jesus; but may we also serve as a source of comfort and consolation to others in their suffering. May we never let the fear of ...
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Rosary on a bible

Pray Fervently

Pray to Our Lady—pray the Rosary very fervently, cling to Our Lady, She will surely lead you to Jesus to know His will for you. – Mother Teresa - from Our Lady of Fatima 
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Joy of the Spirit

Dear brothers and sisters, let us renew the promises of our Baptism: let us renounce Satan and all his works and seductions—for he is a seducer—in order to follow the path of God and arrive at Easter in the joy ...
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Holy Comfort

Let us pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for all the graces that we need to be a brilliant light and a holy comfort to others each and every day in this darkened and sometimes frightening world. Don’t forget ...
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Open to Grace

Loving Jesus, you never ask us to do the impossible, but you often ask us to do something difficult. Help us to remember that you are with us always, even in times of trouble. And help us today and throughout ...
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Pathway to Sainthood

Following in the footsteps of the sinless One who took on our shame and guilt so that we need no longer carry it is the pathway every saint has walked and every aspiring saint must follow. When we are clean ...
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