Without prayer, we run the risk of forgetting who we have become, and slowly we begin to feel as if God is distant and uninterested. Prayer also prevents us from hiding from God (like Adam), for through it, we place ourselves before the only one that can perfect us and transform our lives. Every prayer, whether spoken or not, alone or with others, is truly an opportunity to say to Lord, “Fill me with your life. Change me into the person you know me to be.” Just by accepting God’s invitation to be in his presence, we open ourselves to the infinite, giving the Spirit permission to act in the deepest recesses of our being.
Moreover, we do so, as St. Thérèse has said, by the simple surge of our hearts to the one that saves us from ourselves. This alone should be reason to pray at all times!
—from the book Prayer Everywhere: The Spiritual Life Made Simple
by Fr. Gary Caster