If someone wants to praise an artist, he does so by admiring his art. Leonardo da Vinci would not be upset with people who admire the gaze of his Mona Lisa, and Michelangelo would not be angry with people who admire his “Last Judgment” scene in the Sistine Chapel. No artist would rush into a museum and say, “Stop looking at my works of art! Stop talking about my paintings! You should give all your attention to me!” Rather, the artist is praised when his masterpieces are recognized and celebrated.
In a similar way, God is a divine artist, and his spiritual masterpieces are the saints. The saints are men and women who have been completely transformed by God’s saving grace. We give God great praise when we thank him for the work of salvation he has accomplished in their lives.
—from the book Praying the Rosary Like Never Before: Encounter the Wonder of Heaven and Earth
by Edward Sri