Our world is filled with contradictions needing to be reconciled, inconsistencies within us and between us. Life is neither perfectly consistent and rational nor is it a chaotic mess. It does contain, however, constant paradoxes, exceptions, and flaws. That is the shocking and disappointing revelation of the cross. It is also a great weight off our backs. It leads to patience, humility, non-judgment, and suffering love. Now we have the right sense of proportion, limits, and expectations, with no room for utopianism, ideologies, any “final solutions,” cynicism, or needless discouragement. The shape of things is finally honest and humble. Here we can live with faith (that God is in the contradictions) instead of grandiose explanations. Please think about that at great length!
— from The Wisdom Pattern: Order, Disorder, Reorder by Richard Rohr, OFM