Minute Meditations

The Word Dwells in Creation

sunlight reflecting on a man walking down a field

The life of Francis shows us that right relationship in creation is not easy. He heard the words spoken by the crucified Christ—“go rebuild my house”—and took them literally. He began to rebuild San Damiano stone by stone. But as he reflected on these words, he came to understand a deeper meaning of them in his life. His devotion to Mary, the mother of God, led him to realize that the “house of God” is, first, the human person. The Word dwells in human flesh, not in stone buildings. 

As the Word dwells in the human person, so, too, the same Word dwells in creation. The word who is made flesh in the person of Jesus Christ is the same word through whom all things are made. The Incarnation of God opened up the eyes of Francis to the inner truth of creation as the very place where God is revealed—or concealed—when humans fail to see God humbly present in the magnificent diversity of creation. 

—from St. Anthony Messenger‘s “St. Francis Reminds Us of Our Place in Creation
by Keith Douglass Warner, OFM, Ilia Delio, OSF, and Pamela Wood

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