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Search Results for: St. John the Baptist – Page 5

Painting of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today’s feast is about both two women and two men. The Blessed Virgin Mary goes to visit Elizabeth to assist her in her final days of pregnancy. But as she greets Elizabeth, the babe in Elizabeth’s womb—John the Baptist—leaps for joy at the presence of Jesus in Mary’s womb. Great mysteries of life are at play here.

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Image and graphic of Sister Sharon Havelak, OSF

Sister Sharon Havelak, OSF

“St. Francis is such a role model and is so important to our world today. The charisms that his life exemplified (poverty, contemplation, conversion, and minority) speak to me differently as I grow and change.”

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Painting of Saint Mark

Saint Mark

Most likely the first of the four Gospels, the Gospel of Mark is brief and pointed. Saint Mark has one goal, to present Jesus as God’s crucified messiah, and he fulfills that goal concisely. Saint Mark’s Gospel seems to have been one of the sources used by Saints Matthew and Luke for their works.

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Sharing the Word for March 31, 2022

Testimony to the authenticity of Jesus’ ministry is provided by the works that Jesus performs in the lives of individual Christians, as well as through the manifold action of the Church. There are plenty of grounds for believing in Jesus.

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Painting of Saint Fabian

Saint Fabian

Be careful of birds landing on your head. That happened to Saint Fabian, and it was taken as a sign that he should be elected pope. So he was. And he served for 14 years until he was martyred in 250.

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Sunday Soundbite for December 19, 2021

God’s promise to shepherd his flock spans both the old and the new covenants. The birth of the shepherd-Messiah from the line of David will fulfill ancient promises and usher in an age of peace.

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