The story of Pentecost is a striking story. It is marked by human fear, liberation, and a wild abandonment to be in tune with the movements of the Holy Spirit. Often we find ourselves reflecting on the fear of the disciples in the upper room, but that is not the only part of the story. The beauty of the story of Pentecost is the way in which the Holy Spirit yearns to be in a relationship with us, a relationship that breaks past our human fear.
Wild Spirit, who broke through the closed windows of the upper room…
Oh, wild Spirit, who gifted the disciples with tongues of fire and a spirit of freedom,
move within me today.
Let the revival of Pentecost flow freely through me,
and may I know that I, too, have been confirmed to move
and be in tune with the wild Spirit that liberated the disciples.
Read the story of Pentecost today, and spend some time placing yourself within the story. Reflect on how the words and imagery move you to be more in tune with the Spirit in your own life.