Pause + Pray

A Deepened Relationship with God

person praying with folded hands while holding a rosary


Prayer is the cornerstone of Franciscan life, fostering a deep relationship with God. St. Francis spent hours in prayer, seeking God’s presence and guidance. By dedicating time to prayer, we can draw closer to God and align our lives with his will.


God of prayer,
Draw us closer to you through our moments of prayer.
Help us to seek your presence daily and to listen for your guidance.
May we, like St. Francis, find strength and direction in our time spent with you.


Set aside dedicated time each day for prayer. Use this time to connect with God, express your gratitude, and seek God’s guidance. Encourage others to join you in prayer, fostering a community of spiritual growth.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.