We’ve been through a tumultuous time, and we’re still not past it. But there’s a twinge of hope. And though many of us are not fans of needles, the vaccines we receive might be the best shots we’ve ever gotten. Let’s offer up a prayer of thanksgiving for this moment.
Thank you, God, for gifting us with minds powered by reason,
for the light of knowledge that is guiding us out of this dark time.
Your love has shone brightly through the compassion of health-care workers,
the diligence of those involved with creating vaccines,
and the myriad unseen acts of kindness
done by neighbors and strangers alike.
As people of faith, we believe that you are present with us at all time
and in all ways, including moments of scientific breakthrough and discovery.
Your creation is grand, Lord, and we are grateful to be part of it.
It might seem played out at this point, but take an opportunity to thank a health-care worker. As we slowly shift to another phase of this pandemic world, may we never forget their selflessness and sacrifice.