The Reverend Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ, a theologian and paleontologist, saw God’s natural creation as integral to the ongoing work of sanctification. Even as Adam and Eve were tasked by God to be good stewards of the world, we are also called to join this legacy of faithful care when we recognize, along with King David, that “the heavens declare the glory of God; the firmament proclaims the works of his hands” (Ps 19:2). A natural theology doesn’t worship creation but sees and hears within creation a witness of praise to the creator. All that is created by the divine has a divine providence.
Lord of all creation,
Accept our praise as we echo the praise of
the heavens above, of the sea far below,
and of all living things that have their origin,destiny, and glory in you.
Throughout the day, when you find yourself distracted by too many thoughts, and thus detached from the natural world that gives life and energy to carry on, turn to Psalms 8, 19, or 139 to be reminded of God’s majesty in creation.