Pause + Pray

Always Fresh, Always New, Always Beginning Again

hands with a fresh plant


Francis of Assisi’s first biographer, Thomas of Celano, said that the saint was “always fresh, always new, always beginning again.” Francis was always doing something new and surprising to serve God and the world. Francis reminds us that we can do something new and loving for God. We can freshly begin again, letting go of the past, and opening to God’s future for us and our kin. We can surprise our family, friends, and coworkers with acts of unexpected kindness and new and healthy behaviors.


Ever fresh and ever new Creator,
Let me walk the path of Francis.
Let me be open to new things.
Let me delight in fresh perspectives.
Even when I fail, let me begin again,
Trusting you to heal the past, inspire the present,
and provide hope for the future.


Every new day is filled with possibilities. What new thing have you been interested in doing? What new activity can help your neighbors or community with? Stay fresh in responding in creative and novel ways to those around you.

Bruce Epperly

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