Pause + Pray

An Ever-Flowing Fountain of Love

Couple laughing, joyfully


St. Bonaventure described God as an ever-flowing fountain of love giving life to all things and inspiration to humankind. God’s love flows in you filling you with energy and insight. God’s love also flows through you to bring joy and healing to those with whom you will interact today. You can go with the flow of God’s love wherever God takes you and know that you will always find your way home.


Everlasting fountain of love,
I give thanks for the ever-flowing streams
Of joy and justice that flow into my life.
Help me become a channel of love to everyone I meet.
Let me share in your ministry of renewal and refreshment.


Today, I will pause to feel the flow of God’s love in my life. I will experience the refreshment and restoration that comes opening to God’s fountain of love. I will a commitment to share the energy, inspiration, and love I’m receiving with everyone I meet.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.