Pause + Pray

Anna the Prophetess

woman holding up a bible


Prophetesses are not often discussed in biblical discussions, however, St. Anna the Prophetess deserves some notice. She was a longtime widow, prayerful, elderly, devoted to God, and recognized Christ when he was presented at the Temple! Many thought-provoking details are packed into a short passage! “[Anna the Prophetess] gave thanks to God and spoke about the child” (Lk 2:38)


St. Anna the Prophetess,
Please pray for me, that I might bear life’s difficulties with trust.
Pray that I might keep a steady devotion to God.
Pray that I might recognize Christ in my life.
Ask God that I might share his glory with others however I can.


Consider reading St. Anna the Prophetess’ short story within the Presentation at the Temple narrative in the Bible (Lk 2:22, 36–38). You might want to read a handful of preceding verses to enrich an understanding of the setting. How might you connect to St. Anna’s story? How might you let her life create a bit of a shift in yours?

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