Pause + Pray

Are You Feeling Lost?


When I found myself separated from the person who’d driven us to a professional football game and I’d also  forgotten where we’d parked, I began to feel panic. Then I remembered the adage “when you’re lost, pause a moment and look around.” I paused, prayed, and soon in the distance I saw the elevator we had taken. As I walked to the elevator I found my friend waiting. When you feel lost pause awhile, pray for guidance, and take time to let the answers come.


In times of chaos and uncertainty, let me pause.
Let me pray. Let me notice. Let me respond.
The answers are here, and I simply need to awaken to them.
Give me peace in the storm
so that I might help others f
ind their way.


If a problem or situation perplexes you, consider pausing rather than acting. Eventually you’ll have to do something, but let your actions be informed by the wisdom of God’s still small voice and your deepest evaluation of the situation.

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