Pause + Pray

Breath of Life

A young man wearing headphones, listening to music while relaxing


In times of stress, there is a tendency for us to take in shallow, erratic breaths, not the full, deep ones that most benefit our bodies. Given the amount of stressful situations in the world today and probably in our own personal lives, it’s no wonder we’re all in need of a good, deep breath. It’s time we take one.


Lord, you are the breath of life.
With each inhale,
I breathe in your love and spirit.
Help me remember
To slow down and honor
This gift you have given me.


Stop and take three deep breaths. Close your eyes and feel your lungs expand as you inhale through your nose. Slowly exhale, releasing both your breath and anything that is weighing on you right now. Remember to do this periodically throughout the day.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.