Pause + Pray

Brokenness Is the Place of the Encounter

hands holding pieces of broken plate


The word encounter is defined as an unexpected meeting with someone. Today, consider how the hardest parts of your life, the most difficult situations, have led you to encountering God.


Today we thank you, Jesus, for meeting us there—you know.
You know how the most painful moments of our lives became
the hours that crushed us.
And yes, we’re mystified by your presence.
Sometimes, just a feeling.
Sometimes your face.
But there you were, in our broken hearts.
Our broken homes.
Between the shards, and the splinters,
in the tears wept and in what has been torn:
You unexpectedly find us.


Is someone in your life going through a difficult time right now? Pray for their healing, remembering your own powerful places of encounter.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.