Pause + Pray

Celebrating Each Other’s Gifts

two racially diverse woman hugging


On Pentecost, wind and fire enlightened and enlivened Jesus’ first followers. They proclaimed God’s good news that included everyone and broke down the barriers that separate us from one another. We are one despite our differences. In honoring our unity in diversity, we give God glory and bring out each other’s gifts for service.


Spirit of restlessness, Spirit of unity,
Breathe in us, breathe on us, fill us with your energy and power.
Help us heal our nation and the planet.
Give us a spirit of unity, even as we affirm the wondrous diversity of life.
Let us be agents of reconciliation, affirming our gifts and the gifts of others
For God’s glory and the healing of the earth.


In a world of incivility and alienation, take time to see your unity and connection with everyone you encounter. Seek to be an instrument of God’s peace and reconciliation wherever you are.

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