Pause + Pray

Changed, Not Ended


In the Rite of Christian Burial, there is a powerful reminder for those who grieve: “…life has changed not ended….” As Christians we believe physical death does not hold the final answer. When someone we love dies, life has only changed; it looks a bit different now. Life has not ended, but really begun in a new and powerful way.


Dear Jesus,
your life reminds us
that pain and death
will touch each of our lives
at some point.
Physical death reminds us
that we are created
for heaven,
the true home.

When I grieve the loss
of those I love,
help my heart find comfort
in the promise
that life has only temporarily changed
and not ended.
In my sorrow,
may I cling to the hope
of this promise
made in you.


Are you experiencing the physical loss of certain people in your life? Set aside time today to pray for their souls.

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