Sometimes masquerading as Cupid’s arrow, lust is the impulsive, swooning starlet of the seven deadly sins. It begins with the raised eyebrow and devolves into the impersonal use or abuse of others for my own sheer gratification. It seduces me not only to say more with my body than I could ever imagine saying with my heart but also to violate trust and fidelity in my committed relationships. It’s known to loiter around feelings of frustration, loneliness, or boredom. I can expose its cover with healthy relationships, rest, relaxation, and exercise.
Creator of Adam and Eve, you made me a social being
called to be in relationship.
May all the relationships I have in my life—
married, single, and celibate—
witness to the virtues of trust, fidelity, and integrity.
May I treat all people you send across my path
with respect and dignity,
knowing that they are created in your image and likeness.
Make the commitment never to look at or use an acquaintance or stranger as an object of your gratification. How will you measure your success?