In his 2024 message for Lent, Pope Francis writes, “Lent is a season of grace in which the desert can become once more—in the words of the prophet Hosea—the place of our first love (Hos 2:16–17).” It can be difficult sometimes to love a place that seems, at least on the surface, so inhospitable. However, as always, Christ walks before us, paving the path and showing us the way. Just as Jesus was not abandoned by his Father during his time spent in the desert, God is with us as we make our way through this holy season.
We seek to walk through Lent to the cross with you.
We know that the destination of the tomb with the stone rolled back
Can only be reached after passing through the hill of Calvary.
We are wandering, Lord, but with you we are not lost.
We are in a spiritual desert, Lord, but with you we do not thirst.
Grant us grace and a spirit of resilience as we are tested
To grow in faith and love.
Take a moment today to read Pope Francis’ message for Lent this year. It’s available to read online on the Vatican’s website and other places. Pay special attention to the references he makes to deserts as places that are, ironically, richly symbolic of life and growth.
2 thoughts on “Desert Wandering”
A link to Pope Francis’ message would have been helpful.
We are in the desert but we shall not be thirsty. The good lord is always ready to carry us on whether in trouble or joy. I pray that the good lord who is forever gracious and merciful will always be be with us to direct and guide us through the intercession of Angels and Arc Angels. Lord kindly forgive us our short comings and grace and favour. Amen.