Pause + Pray

Desiring Peace? Work for Justice

Person with arm around the other looking at the ocean


There have been and continue to be many prophetic voices alive in our Church. Recently I have been struck by words from Pope Paul VI: “If you want peace, work for justice.” The two go hand in hand. You cannot have one without the other. Peace in the world comes about when we seek and work for the justice of our neighbor and the world.


Dear Holy Spirit,
you are a powerful agent
of change and newness.
Open our hearts and minds
to be aware
of where we can work for justice
in the world around us.
By doing so,
may we always be reminded
that working for true justice
brings about
the peace of God
more fully into the world.
Bless us
with courage and strength
to do this work well.


Research local groups or organizations in your community. How are they trying to bring about peace through the work of justice? How can you become involved and support their good works?

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