Pause + Pray

Discerning God’s Path

A young man deciding on which of two paths to take.


As followers of St. Francis, we are called to walk in the footsteps of St. Francis, following the path of humility, simplicity, and radical love. Central to our Franciscan journey is the process of discernment—a spiritual practice of seeking God’s will and guidance in our lives, and responding with openness and trust to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Discernment is not always easy; it requires patience, prayer, and a deep listening to the movements of God’s Spirit within us. Yet, as Franciscans, we believe that God speaks to us in a variety of ways—through Scripture, through the wisdom of others, and through the quiet whispers of our own hearts. Our task is to cultivate an openness to God’s voice and to trust in His providence, even when the path ahead seems uncertain or unclear.


God of love,
Help us to embrace discernment as a sacred practice—
a journey of faith and trust in your loving guidance and providence.
We seek your will with humility and openness,
trusting that you will lead us along the path of righteousness and peace,
both for our own lives and for the world.


Seek the guidance of a spiritual director or trusted mentor as you discern God’s path for your life, sharing your hopes and fears as you journey together in faith.

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