Pause + Pray

Dwell in the Present

A round sign with the words "Now is a gift" nailed to a wooden pole


The past and the future are sprinkled with many blessings, however God is in the present. We must tune our hearts to hear the melodies that surround us. The only way to be set in tune is to dwell in the present.


Lord, here I am. Surround me.
Envelop me in your presence, your love, your peace.
Help me to discern how I should spend my attention.
Show me that what I watch, who I follow on social media,
what I read, and who I listen to all have an impact on who I am.
Guide me to only want to follow those who will lead me to you.
Sing the notes that only my heart can hear.
I am in your presence, and I am present in you.


Go through your social media accounts and follow pages that inspire you with faith-based posts. Unfollow pages that may not be lifting your thoughts upward.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.