Pause + Pray

Every Breath Can Be a Prayer

man reflecting with, taking a deep breath with hands folded.


The apostle Paul advises, “Pray without ceasing.” I suspect the apostle is speaking about a prayerful attitude rather than a constant succession of words. One way to make your life prayerful is to make every breath a prayer by affirming that God is as near as your last breath, your current breathing, and your next breath. Feel God’s spirit enlivening and enlightening you with each breath.


Breath of life,
Breathe on me, breath in me, breath through me.
Let every breath remind me that you are near.
Let every breath bring me closer to you and my neighbor,
So that my breathing and yours are one.


Begin the day with the intention, “Let every breath be a prayer.” Pause to breathe deeply, feeling God’s breathing in your, energizing and enlightening you. Take time to pause and breathe whenever you feel harried or anxious. Bring yourself back to God’s presence calming and centering you with each breath.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.