Pause + Pray

Finding Shelter

woman sitting on a bed in a shelter.


Basic human dignity should entitle each of us to have shelter from the elements and a place on earth to call our own. Housing should be a simple human right, and yet many people around the world do not have a home to which to return. The least we can do is remember them and pray for justice for them in the future.


Dear God, your Scriptures tell us
we can hide in the shelter of your wings.
Today, I pray for such comfort
for my fellow human beings
who are without the safety of a home.
Protect them.
Watch over them.
Keep them safe from harm and despair.
I pray for policy changes that
might make the future a more
just one for all people.
I pray for a future where every
human being has a place to call home.
Until that day comes,
show me what more I can do to hasten it,
and fill me with compassion for those who still wait.


Contact the nearest temporary housing shelter and ask what they need that you might be able to donate.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.