St. John Bosco once said, “Enjoy yourself as much as you like if only you keep from sin.” In this modern age of moral pitfalls, that can be a tall ask! But God loves us in spite of our sins. Do you feel it?
God of forgiveness,
I am a sinner.
There isn’t a day that passes when I don’t fall short
in my avoidance of sin.
But I know that you give me countless chances
to redeem myself and begin again.
Every day is a new chance to wash away
the sins of yesterday and surround myself with
the grace only your love can provide.
May this day be one where I
do not stumble,
but walk humbly toward the light
where I know you await me.
Have you been wronged by somebody close to you? Yes, it hurts! Read this prayer again and offer them your forgiveness if you are ready. It’s what God does for you every day.