Pause + Pray

Following the Path of Francis

A friar walking in Assisi, Italy


Ilia Delio writes, “The Franciscan path is different because it does not ask, ‘What would Jesus do?’ but, ‘How does Jesus live in me?’” Today, take some time to reflect on this profound question. How is Jesus living in you?


Blessed St. Francis,
We thank you for showing us the way into our heart where God
Gloriously shines and shines.
Help us find the golden presence within.
The peace.
St. Francis, your gentle beauty leads us to Christ,
and we thank you for helping us fill our lives
as you filled yours—overflowing with grace and hope.
Flooded with light.


Take a long, deep breath and know that it’s true: With every single breath, the light of Jesus lives in you.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.